Quenching Curiosity: Innovative Ways to Encourage Your Cat to Drink More Water
March 11, 2024

Hydration is crucial for the health and well-being of our feline friends, yet many cat owners find themselves at a loss when it comes to encouraging their pets to drink adequate amounts of water. Cats, by nature, have a low thirst drive, which can be traced back to their ancestors who lived in arid environments and obtained most of their moisture from prey. However, in a modern setting where cats are often fed dry kibble, finding effective strategies to boost their water intake is essential for preventing urinary and kidney problems. This article delves into practical methods to encourage your cat to drink more water, enhancing their hydration and overall health.


Understanding the importance of water in a cat’s diet is the first step towards promoting better hydration habits. Water aids in digestion, regulates body temperature, and helps flush toxins from the body. A cat that doesn’t consume enough water is at risk for a host of health issues, including urinary tract infections and chronic kidney disease. Thus, ensuring your cat has constant access to fresh, clean water is a fundamental aspect of caring for their health.

One effective strategy to encourage your cat to drink more is to place multiple water bowls around the house. Cats are territorial creatures and may not go out of their way to drink if the water source is not within their regular path. By positioning bowls in various locations, you increase the chances of your cat stumbling upon water and taking a sip. These bowls should be refilled daily with fresh water to keep it appealing. Additionally, some cats have preferences for the material of the bowl, with many showing a fondness for ceramic or glass over plastic, which can retain odors.

Investing in a cat water fountain is another excellent method to encourage hydration. Many cats are enticed by running water, as it taps into their instinctual preference for moving water sources, which in the wild are typically fresher and less likely to be contaminated than stagnant pools. Cat water fountains come in various designs and sizes, with options to suit different preferences, whether your cat is fascinated by a dripping tap or prefers a gently flowing stream. The sound and motion of the water can stimulate their interest and encourage more frequent drinking.

Flavoring the water is a lesser-known trick that can make a significant difference. Adding a small amount of low-sodium chicken or beef broth can make the water more enticing to your cat. This approach should be used sparingly and with careful consideration of any dietary restrictions or health issues your cat may have. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing flavored water to ensure it’s a suitable option for your pet.

Positioning matters when it comes to encouraging your cat to drink. Placing water bowls away from food bowls can sometimes increase water consumption. In the wild, cats avoid water near their kill to avoid contamination, and this instinct can carry over to their behavior in a domestic setting. Similarly, ensure the water bowl is not located near the litter box, as the proximity can deter them from drinking due to the association with waste and contamination.

Regularly cleaning the water bowls is crucial for maintaining your cat’s interest in drinking water. Bowls should be washed daily to prevent the buildup of bacteria and debris, which can make the water less appealing or even harmful over time. Ensuring the cleanliness of the water source is a simple yet effective way to promote hydration.


In conclusion, keeping your cat well-hydrated is a vital component of their overall health and requires a bit of creativity and observation of their preferences. From utilizing multiple water bowls and investing in cat water fountains to flavoring the water and considering the placement of water sources, there are numerous ways to encourage your cat to drink more. Observing your cat’s behavior and preferences will guide you in choosing the most effective strategies. By ensuring your cat remains adequately hydrated, you’re not just quenching their thirst; you’re also contributing to their long-term health and vitality, making every sip a step towards a happier, healthier pet.